The SEO operating System for Working SEO's

Master SEO, Scale Your Business, & Dominate Your Niche With Expert Coaching.

Even if you have have not really seen growth yet, been hit by an update,

or have plateaued in your growth

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee


“Keith is an SEO master. I’m not sure what we would have done without him.”

Josh King, Manscaped, Co-Founder


From the Desk of Keith Bresee

Austin, Texas.

This page will take 5 minutes to read and only 1 minute to make a decision.

I'm going to describe what SEO Mastery OS is, what it's about, and then you can decide if you want to join.

SEO Mastery OS is for agencies, freelancers, and small SEO teams that want to scale white hat SEO and organic traffic.

Ever heard of Dave Ramsey, Dr. Axe, HCA, TimeDoctor, Manscaped, RE/MAX, or SERVPRO?

These are just a few of the clients I've helped scale their SEO and organic traffic. In fact, I've taken 3 of my clients to over 3 million monthly visitors using my human-first approach to SEO that I call the SEO SUMO Slam Framework.

It's a product-first approach to SEO versus starting with other methods like keyword data.

I've Been In The SEO Space For Over 12 Years.

I've had a lot of wins, many losses, and learned many, many... maaaannnnyyy painful lessons.

Being an SEO expert can be difficult. Every day is an emotional roller coaster of thinking, I'm not good enough. Even to this day.

It's been 10 years of obsession and determination. However, I'm in an insanely better professional situation than I've ever been in my life.

I can tell you, if I knew then what I know now, I would have got here in a fraction of the time.

Years ago, I wanted to be a famous musician...

I spent seven years working at [Your Previous Job]. I would go home and create songs in my home studio. I hoped one day to make a living from my music and take care of my parents.

But that never happened. I soon realized even if you make it in music, unless you're [Famous Musician], you're not going to make much cash. So, I had to get serious about making money.

And that's what led me to a career as an SEO expert. I am obsessed with the art of getting attention online and growing organic traffic. Then, helping that audience and getting freakin paid for it.

My first SEO campaign took six months to show any results, and then failed miserably.

I was about to give up, but an unforeseen Google updates forced me to test and experiment with every possible method to win at this game.

(I tend to obsess over things I'm not good at.)

To my surprise, my SECOND SEO campaign not only took off but it lasted for years. It generated thousands in revenue for my client. Mind you, I am still a noob at this point.

Since then, my team and I have consistently developed SEO strategies, content, and campaigns that have done millions in sales. All driven using the good old iNteRnEt.

I'm not saying you'll get millions of visitors. In fact, it takes an obsessive person to achieve that level of success with anything. But I've also seen a lot of people make significant improvements in their organic traffic with the right approach.

I'd love to say I learned ALL these "secrets" through some course or guru...

And yes, I learned a TON from my mentors. But ultimately, the majority came from overly obsessive experimentation, countless hours analyzing data, and years of experience.

Blood, sweat, tears, lost friends, sleepless nights, hours of study and dedication to my craft. I love this stuff.

So much, that I even created a comprehensive SEO training program on it, and it has helped countless agencies, freelancers, and small SEO teams scale their organic traffic and grow their businesses.

I've personally consulted for over 200 big businesses and entrepreneurs in my career.

Many of them have achieved remarkable success with their SEO efforts.

Many of them are names you would recognize instantly in the digital marketing space.

I've consulted, in some form or another, folks like Dave Ramsey, The Wellness Mama, Dr. Axe, HCA, TimeDoctor, Manscaped, RE/MAX, Servpro, and more.

Not only that, 3 of my clients I've taken to well over 2.5 million monthly visitors, and dozens to multiple six figures in monthly traffic.

Now, I Only Mention These Devastatingly Handsome Credentials So You Understand You Aren't Learning From Some Fly By Night Guru...

The amount of watered down, butchered, and just senseless information I see out there about SEO gives me a real case of the red ass.

Which is why I started SEO Mastery OS.

I felt that most of the information on scaling SEO and organic traffic was too complicated, overpriced, or just... shitty.

This is why most people overthink what they do, and then end up doing nothing at all.

This shit can be simple. I promise.

That's why I am so proud with what we have done for our clients.

All around the idea that it doesn't need to be so damn complicated.

Whether you are trying to grow, scale, or even if you haven't seen any results, we got you.

Many of our clients have grown their organic traffic significantly with our SEO Mastery OS.

You'll have access to people that have actually done exactly what you are trying to do.

Here are some of the types of successful companies this Operating System has helped...

  • Digital marketing

  • Agencies

  • Freelance SEO consultants

  • In-house SEO teams

  • Content marketers

  • Affiliate marketers

  • Online business owners

  • Ecommerce Stores

Unlike other SEO gurus, I OBSESS over making this simple for myself and team. This then translates over to our members.

So many "gurus" overcomplicate things in the SEO world.

Because we combine fundamentals with simplicity, our members can win this game and develop skills that stand the test of time.

It's like having a superpower that allows you to attract high-quality organic traffic for any website in any niche.

Inside SEO Mastery OS, you will develop skills and traits beyond what you could possibly imagine right now.

You will learn to create content that ranks AND converts to sales.

You will be able to confidently secure valuable backlinks that skyrocket your search rankings.

You will master technical SEO and know exactly how to optimize any website for maximum performance.

You will learn how to use EEAT like an expert to establish unshakable trust and authority in your niche.

You will NOT just get more traffic. The idea is to get traffic that pays. We call these people customers.

  • You will learn to create content that ranks AND converts to sales.

  • You will be able to confidently secure valuable backlinks that skyrocket your search rankings.

  • You will master technical SEO and know exactly how to optimize any website for maximum performance.

  • You will learn how to use EEAT like an expert to establish unshakable trust and authority in your niche.

  • You will NOT just get more traffic. The idea is to get traffic that pays. We call these people customers.

And then, you're going to have something that most SEO professionals don't.


You want to scale SEO for your own website and make passive income?


You want to be an SEO consultant and get paid thousands per client?


You want to start an agency and help others grow their organic traffic?


Or maybe, you want to become the go-to SEO expert in your niche.


All these options can be insanely profitable. They all allow you to make an impact, leave your mark on the world, and change people's lives with your skills.

Whichever You Choose, The SEO Mastery OS Will Help You Get There.

And with that in mind, here's what's included in The SEO Mastery OS.

Every month, I'm going to teach you everything I know about scaling SEO and organic traffic...

...content creation, backlinks, technical SEO, EEAT, on-page optimization, site structure, analytics, etc… (This just scratches the surface)

In addition, I'm also going to give you tons of templates, resources, tools, SOPs and connections.

What's Included

Ultimate SEO Excellence Vault:

This includes a comprehensive collection of regularly updated video recordings. Meaning you will have access to in-depth insights and actionable guidance to help create content that ranks, get quality backlinks, achieve topical authority, master technical SEO, and use EEAT like an expert.

SEO Mastery SOPs:

This includes a meticulously crafted library of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that serve as your “agency in a box”. Meaning you will have step-by-step instructions and best practices for streamlining operations, ensuring consistency, and achieving remarkable results.

Live Office Hours:

This includes 5 - 7 weekly group Q&A sessions. Meaning you’re able to get on a call with our team and other entrepreneurs learning with you, learn from them and their questions, and ask your specific questions so you never have a chance to become stuck.

Skool SEO Community:

This includes an invitation to our member-only private Skool community. Meaning you can use this to meet, learn from and connect with other business owners just like you working toward a similar goal.

Direct Access to My Team:

This includes Skool community access between calls where you can ask any question that comes to mind and solve any challenge that you have. Meaning you will have myself and my team in your back pocket so you never have a chance to feel alone. This can be in private or publicly in the group.

Roast Days:

“Roast Days” get website feedback. Meaning we will tear apart your website and then positively provide feedback to make sure you’re successfully using our SEO education.

One Full Audit Per Quarter

You read that right... once a quarter, we will perform a full audit for you. This will include the specifics on how to address any issues found and with a growth plan. All 'how to's" needed will of course be in our trainings area. We normally charge over $2000 for this. This will only unlock after you've been in for at least one month. ;)

1-on-1 20 min coaching call.

Once a month you can get on a 1-On-1 call with me or a member of my team. Ask me or my team anything on this call.

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee

So With That In Mind, You're Not Just Going To Be Learning From Me… You'll Be Learning From…

  • Keith Bresee - (That's me) - The mastermind behind SEO Mastery OS. My results above will speak for themselves.

  • Jeremy Rivera - The MOST brilliant technical SEO I've ever met! He has worked with me on all the clients I've worked with.

  • Alyzza Cabuenas - Our community manager and conversion coach who has helped over 200 clients create systems that convert.

Plus the other rockstars in our group who share absolute GOLD!

It's the full stack of knowledge and skill

that you've been searching for.

If you want to learn from one of the best SEO experts in the world, reach new heights with your organic traffic, make insane connections and become a master of white hat SEO...

The SEO Mastery OS is the first step in your journey toward becoming the 1%.

We're going to show you everything you need to really understand how SEO works at a fundamental level. This way, you'll know exactly what to do to grow your traffic with a high degree of certainty.

That's The SEO Mastery OS. So if that's what you're for then the last question you have is what is the price & how do you get in...

Here's the pricing:

$300 per month (cancel anytime)$2160 for 12 months ($1440 off)$5000+ for 12 months + one DFY service of your choice ala carte (content, backlinks, SEO audit, technical work, etc)

How to sign up: (Click The Button Below)

[Insert your CTA button]

This is risk free. If you get in and hate it, just ask for a refund. No sweat.

Once you sign up, we will send you an onboarding form.

Fill that out and we will add you to the community.

Don't forget to attend the welcome call as it has amazing insights into how to get the most out of The Traffic Dojo.

PS. The Traffic Dojo is more than a place to learn SEO. It's a FAMILY of people working hard to help each other in their journey. They aim to make it as SIMPLE and EASY as possible. We take the "overthinking" out of getting traffic.

You will make connections and meet lifelong friends. They could change the entire course of your future. This is the day things turn around for you. You will gain a skill set that will give you everything you need to be successful no matter what the future holds.


There’s a Better Way to [Get Desired Outcome]

And it’s not doing more of what you’ve already tried...

The old way is [explain what doesn’t work] and it doesn’t work because it’s only causing you more [consequences of the old way]...

Instead, you want to/need a new way to [getting desired outcome], so that you can finally [experience the dream destination].

The [describe new way] will get you [desired outcome] way faster and easier than anything you’ve tried in the past...

And the best part?

It actually works, so you know you’re not wasting your time or money on outdated old-school methods that just cause you more stress and pain.

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee


[Call to Action] Now to Work With Us & [See Results]

Old Way

  • Keyword-obsessed

  • Robotic content

  • Quantity over quality

  • Lack of user focus

  • Short-term thinking

New Way

  • Audience-centric

  • Authentic content

  • Quality and depth

  • Enhanced user experience

  • Long-term success

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee


The [Vehicle] to Getting This [Desired Outcome]

Once you start [insert vehicle], you’ll never go back. Here’s why:

Step one

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Pretium nec dolor urna vitae imperdiet imperdiet. Elit ut id nec nisi aliquet.

Step two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Pretium nec dolor urna vitae imperdiet imperdiet. Elit ut id nec nisi aliquet.

Step three

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Pretium nec dolor urna vitae imperdiet imperdiet. Elit ut id nec nisi aliquet.

Experience it yourself and say goodbye to [problems]

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee

Join SEO Mastery OS Today

Join Today And Get Early Bird Access To SEO Mastery OS

SEO Mastery OS

The #1 Operating System for SEO's to help them scale


“Keith is an SEO master. I’m not sure what we would have done without him.”

Josh King, Manscaped, Co-Founder

What's included:

  • Ultimate SEO Excellence Vault

  • SEO Mastery SOPs

  • Live Office Hours

  • Skool SEO Community

  • Direct Access to My Team

  • Roast Days

  • One Full Audit Per Quarter

  • 1-on-1 20 min coaching call

Normally: $597/mo

The Launch Price Today: $297/mo

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee


What Others Are Saying About [Us/The Offer]

“I’ve scaled to $1M”

"Testimomnial lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim dolor elit." - Name here

“Just hit $70k/m”

"Testimomnial lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim dolor elit." - Name here

“Best experience ever”

"Testimomnial lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim dolor elit." - Name here

“Got my first client”

"Testimomnial lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim dolor elit." - Name here

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee


Double Your SEO ROI Money Back Guarantee

That’s how confident we are that you’ll love your experience.

How it works

If you follow our process and keep track of your work completed in our tracking system, and do it for 12 months and DON'T see a minimum 2X ROI increase from our systems...

We will take you on as a client in our agency for 3 months, 100% FREE of charge!

But Wait, There's More!

Just say “maybe” and try us out for 14 days, and if you aren’t super excited, we’ll give you the money back, no questions asked.

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee


Model Our [“X” Years of Experience/Amount of Results]

You might be asking yourself: “Who’s [insert your name]?”

The truth is... I used to really struggle with [topic/outcome] not too long ago.

I tried everything to fix [my problem] because all I ever wanted was [desired outcome].

But it wasn’t until I discovered [new process] that I finally started seeing some results.

Since then, I’ve been able to:

  • Credibility and authority point

  • Credibility and authority point

  • Credibility and authority point

Now I want to help you achieve the same!

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee


Time is of The Essence, Act Now Before It’s Too Late

We’re currently doing a special launch offer, but it’s ONLY FORS THE FIRST 100 PEOPLE so join now before prices go up from a monthly price of $297 to, well... a lot more! Just ask for a refund later if you’re not 100% happy.

14 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee


Frequently Asked Questions

 I'm new to SEO. Is this program suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! SEO Mastery OS is designed to help both beginners and experienced professionals. We start with the fundamentals and gradually build up to advanced strategies, ensuring that everyone can follow along & apply what they learn. PLUS we are there for you to get on a call with us... every.single. day. ;)

I've tried other SEO courses before, but I didn't get results. How is SEO Mastery OS different?

SEO Mastery OS focuses on the 20% of SEO strategies that bring 80% of the results. We cut through the noise and complexity to give you the essentials for success. Plus, you'll have access to our supportive community and expert guidance to help you every step of the way.

Will I have direct access to Keith and his team for support and guidance?

Yes! As a member of SEO Mastery OS, you'll have access to our private community where you can ask questions, get feedback, and interact with Keith and his team. We also have regular Q&A calls and webinars where you can get direct support.

I'm worried I won't have time to implement what I learn. How much time do I need to invest in this program?

 We understand that you have a busy schedule. That's why we've designed SEO Mastery OS to be as efficient as possible. You can go through the training at your own pace and implement the strategies gradually. Even dedicating a few hours per week can lead to significant improvements in your SEO results.

How long will it take to see results from implementing what I learn in SEO Mastery OS? 

SEO is a long-term strategy, and results can vary depending on factors like your niche, competition, and current website authority. However, many of our members start seeing improvements in their rankings and organic traffic within the first few months of implementing our strategies consistently.

What if I sign up and find that the program isn't a good fit for me?

See our dope guarantees above. ;)

How is the content in SEO Mastery OS delivered?

100% via Skool. =)

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